Are you on a
gluten-free diet,
but still not
feeling great?

Are you on a
gluten-free diet,
but still not
feeling great?
Living with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance — even if you follow a strict gluten-free diet — can significantly increase your chances of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Gluten-Free Diet Support and CeliAct Multi Support are specially formulated to deliver key nutrients important in supporting overall health and wellness.
The CeliAct Blog
Celiac Disease May Be Caused by a Common Virus

While we know that celiac disease has a genetic component, precisely what causes the disease to appear continues to puzzle researchers.
A new study is beginning to shed light on this. Researchers recently discovered that infection with reoviruses may play a role -- a finding that could be bringing us closer to a vaccine for celiac disease.