Looking to dine out and safely eat gluten-free? That can be even more challenging than you might realize. Why? A lot of restaurants and chefs are not exactly clear on what it means to be truly gluten-free.
Some think they know what it means to be gluten-free, but as we’ve discussed before, most don’t know, so they aren’t strict enough with their cooking and serving standards.
Luckily for you, there are some essential tools that will help you to find the gluten-free restaurants in your area and will help you determine which restaurants have gluten-free menus and well-trained staff.
So, I’ll take you through my three favorite methods for finding the best places to dine out and find truly gluten-free restaurants.
- Gluten-Free Travel Site – Submit a review, search through reviews, look at menus, and even download their app Dine Gluten Free in order to find nearby gluten-free restaurants. Planning a trip somewhere? Pop the zip code into the website and see all of the restaurants with gluten-free options pop up. Imagine how nice it would be to head out on vacation or for a visit to distant family and have a long list of gluten free places that you can eat! This site lets you search by state, country, zip code, or town, and then read reviews to pick and choose from the very best.
- Triumph Dining – Triumph Dining’s Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide contains more than six thousand listings, it directs travelers to the most reliable gluten-free establishments in all 50 states, and even updates each year to ensure accuracy. Because they’ve also been studying the subject of gluten-free eating for the past eight years, they can offer expert advice about dining out and remaining gluten-free. The restaurant guide even includes lists of the gluten-free options for popular national chain restaurants too!
- Follow Your Local Bloggers – When I want to find a good gluten-free meal in the city of Boston, I visit GlutenFreeBostonGirl.com, a blog run by local gluten-free expert, Jessica Dennis. She offers her readers a comprehensive guide to Boston’s gluten free restaurants and bakeries. Not from Boston? No problem! Most major metropolitan areas are loaded with bloggers who enjoy sharing their gluten-free findings with local followers.
There is no need to put your health at risk in order to dine out, and we hope you use the resources above to enjoy some wonderful gluten-free meals!

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