As we’ve mentioned in the past, one of the things that makes a gluten free diet so difficult is that eating is such a social activity. In fact, it is probably the second most social thing we do as humans.
The most social thing we do? That’s easy – drinking.
And let’s face it. Having to give up beer makes drinking pretty darn difficult at times.
Well, just as we’ve seen an explosion in gluten free dining options lately, there has also been an explosion of gluten free drinking options!
So since summer just started and many of you will be looking for a nice beverage for your BBQ, your trip to the beach, or other summer activities, here are some of your newest gluten free drinking options.
Gluten Free Cocktail Mixers from Top Shelf Mixers
I recently had the pleasure of meeting Craig Franzblau, CEO of Top Shelf Mixers. Top Shelf Mixers makes a full line of high quality cocktail mixers. What makes these mixers unique from the stuff you can pick up at your local liquor store?
Diagnosed with celiac in 1997, Craig personally makes sure that all aspects of Top Shelf Mixers’ beverages (from the ingredients to the manufacturing procedures) meet strict gluten free standards. Just to be safe, random samples are tested for gluten as well.
They currently have 7 different delicious mixers to choose from (Mojito, Pomegranate Martini, Jalapeno Bloody Mary, Lemon Drop, Cosmopolitan, Margarita and Apple Martini). The mixers are made in a dedicated gluten free facility using real fruits, vegetables and pure cane sugar. They have a much lower caloric value than most mixers (less than 70 calories per serving) and have a low acidity as well.
Want even more good news? You can order them online through their website and the shipping is free!
Mike’s Hard Lemonade Cuts the Sugar AND the Gluten!
Mike’s Hard Lemonade has always been off-limits for us celiacs. In fact, it falls into a broad class of (barley) malt-based drinks like Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi Silver that are notoriously not gluten free.
Well, in a recent press release, Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co. announced that they will begin selling Mike’s Lite Hard Lemonade. This new lite version will only contain 100 calories per bottle. Additionally, the company claims that it is gluten free!
The press release claims:
In addition to the breakthrough taste, mike’s lite hard lemonade® and mike’s lite hard cranberry lemonade® are gluten-free. Both products have tested below the limit of quantification for gluten using a variety of highly sensitive tests – a result of Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co.’s proprietary filtration process that renders the malt base gluten-free.
The lite version comes in two flavors (Lemonade and Cranberry Lemonade).
Finally, a Gluten Free Beer in a Can!
Joseph James Brewing Company has accomplished the unthinkable. They have put their gluten free Fox Tail beer in a can!
Fox Brews are delicious AND gluten free. Unlike some other gluten free breweries, they test every single batch both pre- and post-fermentation for gluten using the highest standard.
Now that we’ve taken care of the gluten free aspect of it, let’s get to the fun part. We can finally drink beer out of a can again!
Their canned Fox Tail beers were so wildly successful that they sold out almost immediately. Currently, there is another batch that should be canned and ready for sale in early July.
To search for locations to purchase their gluten free beers, visit If you don’t see any locations near you, email to find out how to go about finding some.
A Light Gluten Free Beer?
If you’re like me, than you love having a gluten free beer or two.
The problem? I can’t have more than one or two! Gluten free beers are often very heavy and high in caloric value, making them difficult to drink in larger quantities.
One company has decided to do something about this.
New Planet Beer (one of the billion gluten free companies located in Colorado) has recently added a new gluten free beer to their delicious lineup. Tread Lightly Ale joins 3R Raspberry Ale and Off Grid Pale Ale, but it is different than the others and different from most other gluten free beers in general.
At only 125 calories per bottle, it is much lighter than the alternatives and resembles something closer to a “light” beer.
Learn more about their beers and order online at
Being Gluten Free Keeps Getting Better!
I would have never imagined last year that I would be going into this summer being able to drink dedicated gluten free cocktails, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, canned beer and even light beer! Who said that all of the improvements to the gluten free lifestyle had to be food-based anyway?
Here’s to a jolly gluten free summer!

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