May is Celiac Awareness Month. All month I’ve booted around the idea of writing something creative and groundbreaking to celebrate how far celiac has come, and how much exposure it’s gained over the past decade.
But I couldn’t really think of much.
As you probably know by now, I myself do not have celiac disease. You can read why I blog gluten free, but beyond that, I want to make it clear how glad I am to be a part of the celiac community, helping to gain greater exposure for the disease.
I’m one of the lone “outsiders” that blogs gluten free – but I know where celiac has been, and how awesome it is to see where it is now. It’s only going to continue to gain steam. And I’m glad to be a part of that.
Since I couldn’t think of something eye-popping and original to write on celiac awareness, I wanted to share with you the 10 best articles I’ve read this month to ring in celiac awareness month…
- May as Celiac Awareness Month – This is a great place to start. The Celiac Disease Foundation gives a great history of May as celiac awareness month, how it’s recognized, the organizations and countries that recognize it, and why it’s recognized in May.
- Celiac Awareness Month – Linda at Gluten-Free Homemaker posts a number of great resources, links, and places to find support groups throughout the country. While 10 years ago there were very few support groups, and no one had really heard of celiac disease, now there are so many ways to find support in the community. To me, this is a huge part of mentally treating celiac disease – reaching out to others that can empathize.
- Your Ultimate Guide to Celiac Awareness Month – May 2011 – Nancy at Gluten Freeville talks about 10 ways that you can celebrate Celiac Awareness Month. This is an extensive guide to all the things happening throughout the month to continue to spread the celiac love and help celiac to continue to gain prominence. Great read.
- Celiac Awareness Month 2011 – The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness says “Do you know someone with celiac disease? Chances are, you will.” Love this. The first person I met with celiac was Max – but no one else I knew had celiac, and no one else who I knew even knew someone with celiac. But now I know many. This blog post explains how to donate, how to use social media to your advantage, what gluten free bloggers to follow, what’s new and noteworthy for celiac disease, and recent news.
- National Celiac Awareness Month – I love this!, a non-celiac website, is one of the few non-celiac sites that I’ve found to truly understand the seriousness of celiac disease. The kind folks there, beyond this article, are doing a 4 part series on celiac disease this month. This is a great way to bring more awareness to celiac, as most readers do not have celiac. Max and I want to wholeheartedly thank the folks at for taking the time and effort to do this.
- Celebrating Celiac Awareness Month – Amy at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free discusses the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness’ campaign to feature a blogger per day in May, and some of the great things they’ve done over the years to accomplish and continue to build on their goal of gaining exposure for celiac disease.
- Celiac Awareness Month 2011 – Jason at Gluten Free Yodas writes about why celiac awareness month is important, and speaks to those who know less about the disease. He notes that there are still many people who don’t yet understand what it means to have celiac and be gluten free. Interesting and original article – thanks Jason.
- Celiac Disease Awareness Month – Dr. Claudia Pillow at Hail Merry writes about gluten free labeling and the Gluten Free Certification Organization, and why this year in particular Celiac Awareness Month is so important. In addition, we love Dr. Pillow’s blog because she gives all kinds of good health tips related to celiac.
- It’s Celiac Awareness Month! – Perhaps the most original post we have here, Inger at Art of Natural Living talks about some of the new products she’s testing this month specifically for Celiac Awareness Month! I love the Rudi’s pizza crusts – delicious with two grams of fiber!
- May is National Celiac Disease Awareness Month – Rachel Begun, otherwise known as Gluten Free RD, is another blogger we have a lot of respect for. Take a look at her perspective on gaining exposure for Celiac Awareness Month, and some of her other articles on balancing a gluten free diet with nutritious gluten free eating.
That does it for my top 10.
I want to thank the 10 bloggers / organizations listed above for the role they play in raising celiac awareness, and helping the cause!
Let us know about any other good articles you’ve read in the comments below!

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