It's the most wonderful time of the year! And if you're anything like me you've already hit the ground running with holiday shopping, searching for the best deals on stocking stuffers and other special gifts for your friends and loved ones. We've searched high and low to bring you some...
The CeliAct Blog
7 Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Products We Are Crazy About
It's time for a confession. I am a pumpkin spice fanatic.
Of course Fall brings lots of other exciting things - cozy sweaters, football, haunted houses, Thanksgiving and more. But nothing excites me more than waiting to see what new pumpkin spice creations await us.
The Secret to Eating Gluten Could Be Hiding in Carnivorous Plants
Scientists have discovered a new way in which celiac patients may be able to digest gluten - with the help of an enzyme extracted from carnivorous plants.
Pitcher plants, which have a cup-like shape that traps insects, could hold a solution for a new treatment for celiac disease (...)
Beer Lovers Rejoice: Gluten-Free Barley is Here
Thanks to a new Aussie invention, gluten-free barley beer is hitting the shelves in Europe and Australia, and will soon reach the U.S.
Scientists from Australian research agency CSIRO, with co-funding from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), have bred Kebari (...)
Halloween for Celiacs: Beware of Hidden Gluten!
Halloween is my #1 favorite holiday: the costumes, the decorations, the spooky atmosphere, the fall foliage, and yes, of course, the treats.
Halloween can bring with it a lot of situations where we are faced with new products that we are unfamiliar with.
Could the Season You're Born in Influence your Risk for Celiac?
While more and more research is being done on celiac disease, there is still so much we don't know, and a lot of that pertains to risk factors.
Why do some people develop celiac while others don't? If someone is genetically predisposed for celiac, what influences whether or not they will develop the disease? What are the risk factors that influence who develops celiac?
How to Have a Delicious Fall
September has done its best to hang on to summer, but over the past few days I've finally begun to feel fall creeping up. Leaves are beginning to change, evening outings require jackets, football season is upon us, and my son got his annual apple picking permission slip sent home. Fall is here!
Research Confirms Biological Explanation for Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity
A new study published in the journal Gut has found that wheat can cause an immune reaction in people without celiac disease, confirming that there appears to be a biological explanation for non-celiac wheat sensitivity.
5 Gluten-Free Grains You Should Be Eating
Having to swear off of most grains in order to successfully maintain a gluten-free diet can mean missing out on a host of important vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, many of the gluten-free foods gracing grocery store shelves and on restaurant menus have replaced flours and glutenous starches with rice, corn, and potato alternatives.
The Vaccine That Will Let Celiacs Eat Wheat
A new vaccine that can protect celiac sufferers against gluten exposure could be closer than you think. NexVax2, a vaccine that stops the body from reacting to gluten, could allow celiac patients to eat a normal diet.
Starbucks to Expand Gluten-Free Options
After repeated shareholder pressure, Starbucks has finally decided to expand their options to accommodate to the needs of the gluten-free community.
Since the gluten-free selection at Starbucks is slim, this is very exciting news!
What is Nonresponsive Celiac Disease? Three Things to Know
It is a common misconception that those with celiac disease get completely well after starting a gluten-free diet. While many do, others continue to deal with pain and discomfort, experiencing something known as nonresponsive celiac disease.
Become a Chef with Gluten-Free Meal Delivery Services
If there is one thing that people with celiac and gluten intolerance spend time on, it's food. Reading about it, shopping for it, cooking it, label reading, recipe testing, product comparing, you name it, we do it. After all of this time consuming effort that goes into our food - who has tie to actually cook? This is precisely what makes gluten-free meal delivery services so appealing to us.
New Technique Diagnoses Celiac Within Minutes
Scientists Close to Creating Gluten-Free Bread that Tastes Like the Real Thing
I'm going to tell you all something that you probably already know. Regardless of the plethora of gluten-free breads and baked goods out there, one thing continues to remain certain: none of them taste all that good. But you may want to start to get excited, because it looks like that may be about to change.