As the year winds down, it’s time to reflect. We launched our blog in March, and we’re thrilled with the comments, feedback, and questions you’ve all written in with.
Thank you so much for following the CeliAct Blog, suggesting ideas for new articles, and most importantly, giving us a reason to keep writing here. We look forward to continuing our mission of educating you about celiac disease, as well as providing a resource to keep helping you.
This post shares our best gluten-free and celiac articles of the past year, from the feedback and comments you’ve all shared. Keep in mind that the majority of these articles can and should be revisited as often as need be – besides the occasional news, these articles provide tips, tactics, and strategies that don’t go out of date. Think of our blog as a library of helpful information and resources that you can come back to so that you can continuously improve your gluten-free diet and the lifestyle that surrounds it.
Without further ado, here are our top 6 articles of 2011:
- 7 High Fiber Gluten Free Foods (and Why You Can’t Ignore Them) – Because fiber is a core component to many bodily functions, it’s important to make sure you get an adequate amount. Celiac disease may lead to improper nutrient absorption, so it’s important you take a close look at these foods to ensure you’re getting the proper amount on a daily basis.
- A Guide to Gluten-Free Drinking (Just in Time for Summer) – No, it’s not summer. Sorry for provoking you to run outside in shorts and a T-shirt and act like it’s sunny. But for those of you who like to have a drink in the winter too (or fall or spring for that matter), you’ll be sure to find some helpful advice in this article.
- When “Gluten-Free” Isn’t: The Ins and Outs of the New Gluten-Free Labeling Law – Brian Dean, MS, RD, explains why it’s not as easy as you think to just say “20 ppm or less” and call it “gluten-free”. 2011 certainly saw a lot of controversy over gluten-free labeling.
- Keeping Your Guard Up in a Gluten-Filled World: Lessons Learned from a Recent Trip to the Cheesecake Factory – Here, Max Librach tells us about an important lesson recently learned at the Cheesecake Factory while figuring out what he wanted to eat. We wouldn’t want anyone to learn the hard way – although it often happens – so this article is a great resource for anyone newly diagnosed.
- Have You Tried These 7 Innovative and Nutritious Gluten-Free Brands? – It’s always great to try and learn about new, creative companies and food products. As gluten-free “grows up”, the food will continue to improve. Hopefully we’ll get to write a similar article with some new innovative creations in just a few months.
- Why Are Celiac Disease Rates Skyrocketing? – While celiac disease diagnoses continue to increase, Brian Dean, MS, RD, takes a look at why this is the case.
We hope you guys enjoy this reflection on the past year. Again, thank you so much for being such a loyal reader here!
Don’t hesitate to email us at with any questions or suggestions for future articles.
Which article here (or that we didn’t mention here) is your favorite from this year? Let us know in the comments!

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